McLauglin Air National Guard Base, W.Va. -- “Together Each Achieves More.” It is on the wall heading up the stairs of the headquarters building on base and one of my first impressions of the Wing here. I have been fortunate in my career to have some stellar mentors who showed me, in so many ways, how we need to support each other personally and professionally in accomplishing our mission. If one person fails in our organization, it is a failure for us all.
That phrase in our stairwell is a positive way to look at our Core Values and Creed. When we say, “I will never leave an Airman behind,” we’re not just saying that we won’t leave them on the battlefield. From my perspective as a leader, that also means we should do everything we can to support our Airmen to set them up for success and eliminate as many obstacles as possible. I have found in my career when everyone around me is doing well, I do well, no matter what role I may play.
The day I was inducted as a Chief Master Sergeant I was told that day was meant for me, and every day after that, my focus is on my people and our mission. That is the way it should be. I believe everyone is a leader, whether in a current leadership role, or some other position. Servant leadership has always been my focus and I rely on the talents and professionalism of those around me to move our mission forward.
I was born and raised by the Air Force! My father retired after 21 years of Active Duty service and not long after his retirement, he enlisted my brother and me for BMT on the same day. My brother currently serves as an officer in the 145th. For my father’s entire career, he kept WV as his home state and I have always called WV my home. As like many others, the military is a family affair for me, and that extends to my brothers and sisters in the 130th! I am excited to continue my career in the WV Air National Guard and with the 130th! I truly believe that “Together Each Achieves More!”
Chief Master Sgt. William Wnek is the 130th Medical Group Superintendent