CHARLESTON W.Va. -- April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. This year our theme is “Protecting Our People Protects Our Mission.” It is also an opportunity to explain a few key points that are important for members to know. While we take time to prevent sexual assaults we know they unfortunately take place and often times the victim does not know where to turn for help; the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator has options and services for victims of sexual assault.
Reporting Options. The Air Force is committed to ensuring sexual assault victims are protected, treated with dignity and respect, and provided support, advocacy, and care. To achieve these objectives, the Air Force has two reporting options: Unrestricted and Restricted.
Unrestricted Reporting: Eligible members can disclose and report a sexual assault, without requesting confidentiality to a SARC, VA, Healthcare Personnel, command authorities or others. They will have access to medical treatment and counseling, support, and a Special Victim’s Counsel (SVC) (if desired), and consideration for protection and expedited (permanent or temporary transfers). If the option to file an unrestricted report is chosen, the SARC, VA, Healthcare Personnel, chain of command, and law enforcement will be notified that the crime has occurred. Eligible members can request service from an SVC. This option WILL trigger an investigation and the alleged offender may be prosecuted.
Restricted Reporting: Eligible members can confidentially disclose and report a sexual assault to a SARC, VA, or Healthcare Personnel. They will have access to medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC, VA, and a SVC, if desired. The Wing Commander will receive non-identifying information indicating an alleged sexual assault has occurred. This option WILL NOT trigger an investigation. NOTE* A Restricted Report can be changed to an Unrestricted Report at any time.
Please continue to check back weekly for more resources from the SARC regarding Sexual Assault Awareness Month.